Passion Fruit Creme Brûlée
- Preheat Oven 325 F
- In a saucepan, add cream, vanilla bean, passion fruit, salt and cook over low heat just until the mixture gets hot.
- Let the cream sit for 10 minutes to allow the vanilla bean flavor to infuse into the cream. Then, discard the vanilla bean.
- In a bowl, beat egg yolks and sugar together until light. Stir in a little bit of the warm cream into the egg-sugar mixture. Then, add the remaining cream and stir.
- Pour the passion fruit creme brulee mixture through a sieve to remove the passion fruit seeds and any lumps or textures.
- Carefully pour the passion fruit creme brulee into four or five 6-ounce ramekins.
- Place ramekins in a baking dish; fill dish with boiling water halfway up the sides of the dishes.
- Bake for about 40-47 minutes or until the centers are barley set. Allow them to cool completely at room temperature. Refrigerate the passion fruit creme brulee for at least 4-6 hours before enjoying. I highly recommend you allow them to set overnight in the fridge for the best result.
- When ready to serve, top each custard with about a teaspoon of sugar. You can use a blow torch to caramelize the sugar or place in the boiler. If you have extra passion fruit, top the creme brulee with fresh passion fruit.
- You can also enjoy this dessert without adding the sugar on top. I love to enjoy it on its own as a custard!